Financial guidance builds brighter futures.

At Bridges we know first-hand the incredible difference financial guidance can make to people’s lives, finances and wellbeing. We’re here to give your money purpose, ensuring you can understand today and feel good about tomorrow.

We passionately believe in the value of advice. That’s why we’re on a mission to make it accessible to all.

Go further with a guide by your side

Together with Insignia Financial we conducted The True Value of Advice research — the largest survey of its kind in Australia — surveying 11,615 clients and over 1,000 unadvised Australians.

Cyclist on paving

The True Value of Advice research

Whatever your life-stage — Financial Planners can have an incredible impact. Read the full report of the Insignia Financial survey 2020: The True Value of Advice - a study of 12,643 Australians for more facts, figures and client feedback.

Group of three chatting

Case study

Dennis and Anne are just two of the thousands of Australians we’ve had the privilege of supporting in recent years. Discover their story and how we were able to guide them towards a brighter financial future. 

Go Further 


Why Bridges

We’re proud to be a little bit different from some of the other Financial Planners out there. 

Investment services

Our services

Discover some of the ways we can help you build a brighter financial future.

Let's talk

When it comes to your goals, it helps to talk about them, think about them, and, most importantly, dream a little. Start a conversation with Bridges today.